Duration: 60m
Complexity: Beginner
The famous and ancient recipe for Tuscan bread and vegetables soup.
Stale bread and vegetables can make you shout ‘Mamma Mia!’, and if you don’t believe me, come join us in making this amazing Tuscan dish.
As most of our favourite traditional Italian dishes, ribollita was first created by poor families who cold not afford to cook something new each day. This beautiful soup, instead, lasted all week! The secret was just to make it ri-bollire (boil again), in the following days.
And ri-bollire your zuppa, will make it taste better and better each time, bringing out each vegetable’s unique taste.
It’s heart-warmingly rich of flavour, the different textures will make your mouth water, and it is also one of the healthiest dishes you can make. Do I really need to say much more? Buon appetito!
Let's share time together (insieme) in the kitchen!
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Enrol now and receive the ingredient list and a confirmation email with the link to a password-protected Zoom session.
Classes are approximately 1 1/2 hours, hands-on, fully interactive and fun!
So get ready, roll up your sleeves and ask as many questions as you like while you work together with your Italian Chef.
We look forward to sharing great moments! See you soon!