Episode 6 of 6 - The miracle of Montalcino - The Taste

Discover Montalcino and the Beauty of Brunello Wines with Filippo Bartolotta

The Miracle of Montalcino is a phenomena by now we’ve come to appreciate and admire:  for its beauty, for its history, for its enviable natural landscapes, and for so many reasons that are near and dear to all wine lovers across the globe.

We’ve discovered together with Filippo many special, unique elements that make the Brunello di Montalcino wines stand out from a sea of other top-notch red wines, Italian and otherwise.  But have you discovered yet the actual Taste of Montalcino?  What should you be looking for when you drink a Brunello di Montalcino wine?  What kind of sensations could you expect to experience when you enjoy one of Italy’s most treasured enological specialties?

The Brunello wines of Montalcino express unusual characteristics that virtually instantly identify them as being wines of the Montalcino area, and while at times wine journalism can seem lofty or poetic, there’s a logic to overall tasting notes that will become more and more familiar once drinking Brunello di Montalcino wines becomes more a regular wine selection for you.

Learn with Filippo what this local terrain expresses, and how the vines absorb the local features and traits of the area.  The latest Miracle of Montalcino video provides a fascinating glimpse into the physical nature of this wondrous land, and we’re glad to have you along for this magical journey into Tuscany.



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