Pastin, which is an ancient word for 'paste' is moulded into tasty and juicy meatballs packed with flavors and a couple of surprise ingredients!
Pastin Meat-balls? What on earth are they, you might ask!
Pastin is a mixture of minced pork and beef in which a seasoning made from an infusion of white wine, garlic and spices, in this case cinnamon, is added!
Known since the Middle Ages, it is a predominantly winter food, and is usually paired with the classic polenta.
When you know the origin of the meat, it can be eaten raw, spread on bread like a paté, and it is absolutely delicious!
Today Chef Sara Lai proposes Pastin to us in the form of flattened meatballs inside of which is a slice of stringy Piave DOP cheese. Filippo sips on some Garda DOC - the perfect match for anything with Piave cheese! What more could you ask for?
15 Minute Italian Dinner Recipe | Pastin MeatBall with Piave Cheese paired with Garda Doc Spumante Brut
Ingredients for 2 servings
‘LIVE DINNER IN 15’ is the video format created by Mamablip, with Chef Sara Lai and wine expert Filippo Bartolotta
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