Piave DOP Cheese Wine Pairing with Filippo Bartolotta and Chef Michele

Today Filippo and Chef Michele tell us all about the perfect wine pairing for Piave Cheese, check it out!

Discover the history of a cheese with a unique, intense and full-bodied flavor with Filippo Bartolotta and Michele Berlendis: the Piave DOP Cheese.

Piave cheese is produced in the North-East of Italy, its name derives from the homonymous river which flows in the Dolomites.

It is here that the typical cows of the area from which the milk used for the production of this cheese is obtained.

The origins of Piave cheese date back to 1800 when it was produced in mountain dairies according to ancient dairy techniques, handed down from generation to generation.

It is a DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) cheese with unique characteristics given by the quality of the milk, the breed of the animals, the area and methods of farming, and of course the composition of the recipe.

Today Filippo and Chef Michele tell us all about the perfect wine pairing for Piave Cheese, check it out!

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