Prepare an incredible dish in minutes! A delicious meal paired with Masciarelli Iskra wine from Abruzzo.
Dinner in 15'. A series of short and fun live lessons to learn how to make a fantastic dish in just 15 minutes and pair it with a great Italian wine.
Today we're making baked sausages with smoked eggplant with the help of our sommelier Filippo Bartolotta and chef extraordinaire Sara Lai.
In less than half an hour, you'll make everyone around the table absolutely delicious with this quick and delicious recipe!
Get your ingredients here, watch the video, or check out the full recipe to get cooking!
Sausage and tomatoes with smoked eggplant Ingredients:
Sausage 9
Tomato 3
Eggplant 3
Yellow onion 1
Garlic clove 1
Rosemary (Branch) as needed
Basil (Leaves) as needed
Thyme (stem) as needed
Extra virgin olive oil as needed
Every great dish is accompanied by a great wine: today Filippo has chosen a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva, the 'Marina Cvetic Iskra' from the Masciarelli not miss it!
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