Sicilian Wine Tasting, Mille e Una Notte - Donnafugata

Let's taste Mille e Una Notte, a Sicilia DOC Red from the Donnafugata Estate, in the heart of Sicily

What does an Arabic masterpiece of literature taste like?  An intriguing question, to be sure.  And one that Donnafugata has tackled with its creation of Mille e Una Nottè, a dark, romantically mysterious wine coming straight from the heart of Sicily.

With Filippo Bartolotta, we explore the roots of this fine Sicilian wine, and learn more about the wine-making process that has gone into creating this contemporary offering from the Donnafugata wine-producing team.  For this specific wine, an external wine-making expert was brought into the foray - watch the Mamablip video with us and learn who this wine expert could be!

Brimming with bold, powerful aromas, Middle Eastern spices, luscious mature fruits and deep leather bouquets, Mille e Una Nottè awaits your discovery - the next thing to do is to taste this wine together with an excellent food pairing - watch to the end for Filippo’s tips!

Love learning about the Donnafugata wines?   Be sure to check out Lele Gobbi’s exploration of the Donnafugata winery estate’s history and learn about their role in the world of art, culture, and music.   Francesca Ciancio also ventures into Donnafugata terrain, with an exploration of the winery’s Ben Ryè dessert wine, the ideal sweet wine for those who don’t love sweet wines.  

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