Italian Chocolate Salami is the perfect dessert when you've got some time on your hands, and you've got the chocolate urge mixed with the desire for a bit of creativityon your dessert plate.
Blending the simplicity of dry biscuits with other on-hand ingredients everyone likely already has in their pantry (like eggs and powdered cocoa), creating your very own authentic Italian Chocolate Salami is composed of a quick prep time in the kitchen, followed by resting time in the fridge - for the Chocolate Salami, not you!
For more simply divine Italian dessert recipes, be sure to check out the Mamablip Dessert recipe archives, with loads more ideas on how to present delicious, tasty desserts straight from the heart of Italy.
They're actually quick simply Italian dessert recipes your family and loved ones will swoon over, guaranteed! Share your results with the Mamablip community on our social media pages - let's see what you've been up to in your kitchen!
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Try it with...
Filippo Bartolotta
for 4 servings
Of 3
In a large bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar until foamy (you can use an electric mixer to facilitate the beating process).
Add butter and beat until thoroughly mixed. Coarsely crumble the cookies.
Once crumbled, add the figs, coarsely chopped.
Of 3
Add sifted cocoa powder and crumbled cookies.
Mix well with a spoon, and should you wish to add the liquor, add a dash of rum or your preferred liquor.
Of 3
When the mixture holds together, place on a sheet of wax paper, and with your hands, roll the chocolate mixture inside the paper into a salami shape.
Pack tightly into paper and refrigerate for a few hours. Slice as you would a salami and serve.
Try it with...
Filippo Bartolotta
Pale straw yellow color with greenish reflections. Floral scents and graceful taste.
View productPale straw yellow color with greenish reflections. Floral scents and graceful taste.
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