tagAlt.piave vecchio Riserva consorzio tagAlt.piave vecchio Riserva consorzio
tagAlt.piave vecchio Riserva consorzio
tagAlt.piave vecchio Riserva consorzio

Piave DOP Vecchio Riserva - Cheese


Foods Cheeses
Denomination Formaggio Piave DOP
Cheese ingredients Cow Milk, salt, rennet
Ageing Over 18 months
Region Veneto
Structure No eyes
Texture Hard, Brittle, Grainy
Flavors Mid-range Sweet and Savory Elements
Lactose Lactose Free


This is a compact, solid cheese with a crumbly texture and elevated drier texture.  The Piave Vecchio Riserva is aged for more than 18 months, and upon tasting, is a striking testament to the harmonious balance of its organoleptic characteristics, and for its elevated yet lingering aromas.  
The scents that pleasantly reach the nose are tempting without being invasive, a bouquet that ranges from dried fruits all the way down the scale to complex toasted essences.   
These perfumed sensations are confirmed also by the aromatic sensations when tasting the cheese, and are further enriched by vegetal notes.  The flavor of this cheese, regardless of its lengthy ageing process, is surprisingly sweet and sapid, with elegant hints of spice.  These balances ensure that the cheese enjoys a surprisingly degree of balance and harmony.

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