I love using my Corzetti stamp whenever I can - and my kids absolutely adore the great appearance that comes from imprinting our designs onto their fo...
Originally from the Liguria area, these cunning durum-flour pasta shapes make quite the impact, with just a little bit of effort. With personalized Corzetti stamps, or stamps with hand-carved designs on them, easily purchaseable from top-notch Italian artisanal sites, you can absolutely wow the dinner crowd with your own unique, personalized pasta shapes.
This ancient Ligurian technique was initially born as a way of noble leading families to indicate their regional power and wealth - soft power through food - families after our own hearts. Today, it's an excellent way of expressing your individual style, and if you've got kids who like to muddle about in the kitchen, this is the perfect way to introduce them to the fabulous world of handmade pasta.
The light, fresh herbal sauce for this pasta accentuates the visual element of your fresh handmade pasta recipe, and similar to our Butter and Sage dressings, this is a fine sauce recipe pairing smoothly with a variety of other fresh pasta recipe shapes. But in this case, treat your loved ones to a fresh pasta meal they'll never forget!
Try it with...
Filippo Bartolotta
Of 3
In a medium mixing bowl, blend flour, egg yolks and white wine. Blend until your ingredients form a smooth, elastic and slightly dense ball.
Your dough shouldn't be sticky, so if you feel it's too soft, add a bit more flour and mix into dough. Knead for a few minutes, then place back into bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
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Lightly dust working area with flour, and using wooden rolling pin, roll out dough carefully. Chef Michele recommends rolling out into a round shape in order to make your stamping process easier with fewer pasta dough scraps to roll out again.
Keep rolling out dough carefully until you reach a height of approximately 2-3 milimeters. Using the correct sides of your Corzetti stamp, use one side to first cut out your round shapes as closely as possible to each other, leaving little edging between shapes. Set aside dough scraps to re-roll and cut out additional shapes.
After cutting round shapes, use the correct Corzetti stamp to impress your designs onto each pasta round. Set each stamped Corzetti shape onto semola or flour-dusted tray, and dust with additional flour to prevent sticking.
Of 3
In una grande pentola, ricoprire il fondo con olio extravergine d'oliva. Aggiungere i pinoli e le foglie di maggiorana e scaldare gli ingredienti a fuoco medio-alto.
Portare a ebollizione una grande pentola d'acqua salata e aggiungere i Corzetti stampati. Cuocere per 4-5 minuti e scolare bene.
Mettete tutte le forme in piatti di servizio individuali, e bagnate con olio extravergine d'oliva riscaldato, pinoli e maggiorana.
Adesso sono pronti per essere serviti.
Try it with...
Filippo Bartolotta
A perfect match for raw fish appetizers, seafood, and fish in general.
View productCampomaccione is a wine that is created in the estate of the same name, and is the expression of the Zingarelli family’s desire to explore an area where the winemaking tradition has truly ancient origins.
View productA light amber color, fresh and elegant bouquet
View productA perfect match for raw fish appetizers, seafood, and fish in general.
View productCampomaccione is a wine that is created in the estate of the same name, and is the expression of the Zingarelli family’s desire to explore an area where the winemaking tradition has truly ancient origins.
View productA light amber color, fresh and elegant bouquet
View producttania Monday 9th of November 2020
Such cute pasta dish
I love using my Corzetti stamp whenever I can - and my kids absolutely adore the great appearance that comes from imprinting our designs onto their food. We had a few made custom-order for our family (they make AMAZING presents) and we don't miss any opportunity to include them in our regular pasta nights.