tagAlt.gello di melone

Gelo di Mellone o Gelo di Melone - Dolce Tipico Siciliano

Il Gelo di Mellone (anguria) è un tipico dolce siciliano, perfetto per questo periodo dell'anno, quando le ultime angurie sono mature. È anche molto facile da fare!

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'Gelo di Mellone' is a typical Sicilian spoon dessert, very fresh and very easy to make, with a few simple ingredients.

If you wonder why it is called gelo di mellone, even if it is made with watermelon (which in Italian is 'anguria'), the reason is that, simply, watermelon in Sicilian is called mellone, with 2 L.

Creamy, full of flavor and to garnish as you like, this typical Sicilian dessert is slightly reminiscent of Biancomangiare, a recipe we already proposed to you a few months ago, but perfect all year round.

The only effort required for this dessert is to remove all the seeds from the watermelon: a bit of a tedious job, but once done, the success of the dessert will be child's play! 

Follow the recipe step by step, and make this Sicilian dessert: a perfect way to say 'goodbye' to summer: see you next year!


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per 4 persone

Ingredienti Gelo di Mellone

  • Anguria 750 grammi
  • Amido di Mais 40 grammi
  • Zucchero 60 grammi
  • Cannella in Polvere 1 pizzico
  • Cioccolato Fondente q.b.
  • Pistacchi 8

Provalo con...

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Filippo Bartolotta

Filippo Bartolotta

Lugana DOC Bianco


Colore giallo paglierino pallido con riflessi verdognoli. Profumi floreali e gusto aggraziato.

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per 4 persone



Di 4

Prepare watermelon Juice

Start by cutting the watermelon into slices; remove the skin and cut it into pieces, then with a knife remove the seeds. Put the pulp thus obtained in a blender or a mixer and blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Pass it through a sieve, in order to filter out the filaments and any remaining seeds, pressing the pulp with a spoon. If you have an extractor, you can use it instead of a blender: you will not need to filter the juice. Once you have the juice, make sure it is exactly half a liter.



Di 4

Prepare the Base

In a separate glass put the wheat starch or cornstarch and add about 100 ml of this juice, stirring thoroughly until it is dissolved to perfection. In this way no lumps will form.

Add it to the rest of the juice and stir. Add the sugar and the pinch of cinnamon.



Di 4

Cook the pudding

Place the pan on low heat and begin stirring. After a few minutes, you will notice that the melon frost will begin to take on a deeper red color. 
Keep stirring carefully until it comes to a boil.
Cook for another minute or two, stirring constantly; the mixture will be slightly thicker and will glaze the spoon.



Di 4

Complete the Dish

Pour the melon ice into 4 single-portion molds or into a single half-liter mold and let it cool to room temperature; when it is cooler, place it in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

When it is time to serve it, gently remove the melon from the mold, using a knife. Turn it upside down on a plate and decorate with dark chocolate curls and chopped pistachios or almonds.

Provalo con...

altri grandi prodotti...

Filippo Bartolotta

Filippo Bartolotta

Lugana DOC Bianco


Colore giallo paglierino pallido con riflessi verdognoli. Profumi floreali e gusto aggraziato.

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....assolutamente da provare!

Lugana DOC Bianco


Colore giallo paglierino pallido con riflessi verdognoli. Profumi floreali e gusto aggraziato.

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Lugana DOC Bianco


Colore giallo paglierino pallido con riflessi verdognoli. Profumi floreali e gusto aggraziato.

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