Traditional Tuscan Chestnut Flour Cake Recipe - Castagnaccio Recipe

How to make Castagnaccio? The perfect recipe for Chestnut Flour Cake

Are you a secret sweet-tooth but need limit your dolce intake? Looking for a dessert that hits the spot without making your blood sugar soar?
Castagnaccio, a classic of Tuscan households from Massa Carrara to Piombino, is a hearty, unusual sweet that makes the most of Tuscany’s seasonal Chestnuts.
If you’re new to the flavor and aromas of chestnuts, this is a wonderful recipe to make your interaction all the more solid with this appealing autumn fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit and not a seed).
Originally considered an ingredient of little economic worth, chestnuts have in the past 100 years earned their keep as a favorite flour and overall ingredient in a variety of classic Italian recipes.
Of course, my favorite chestnut recipes come from the regions where chestnuts are heavily cultivated, so lucky for us, Tuscany has a treasure chest of both Chestnut groves and delicious authentic recipes that absolutely transform the humble chestnut into a sublime culinary experience.
Castagnaccio originates back in countryside Tuscany, in the hearths and home ovens of traditional rural homes, and was thought to originally be made with chestnut flour, rosemary, and water.
Today’s amped up version is sweetened with raisins, pine nuts, extra-virgin olive oil, and walnuts.
Your classic Tuscan Castagnaccio recipe above will help spread the chestnut love to everyone who isn’t already in the know about this wonderful genuine Italian ingredient. Let me know how your Castagnaccio turns out, and if it’s as big a hit in your own home as in mine!

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